Point of Intersection is the continuation of the tireless search of the Mozambican choreographer Panaibra Gabriel Canda for the postcolonial African body, freed from prefabricated body images and detached from stereotypes. In this piece he works with two different generations: older and younger dancers with very different aesthetic approaches. “They move between a modern and a traditional aesthetic. Point of Intersection is a clash of these two generations, their ideas and values. This “intersection” can also be understood as a place where a new language is being created,” says Panaibra. The performers create images of power, symbolized by chairs. They stand for grown structures, affiliation. For the old, the stuck. Around them, the performers develop with an existential urgency scenes of sometimes playful struggles for a place in life and in history, and for the opportunity to break away from an old generation and its laws. Who owns power and how do you win or lose it? Maybe there is a space in which we can share power and coexistence? “Dance helps to understand that each step is our own and political – for our freedom,” so Panaibra’s credo.
Duration: 60 min.
A production by Panaibra Gabriel Canda/CulturArte (Maputo). In coproduction with HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden, Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster, Donko Seko Bamako, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf and Kampnagel Hamburg in the frame of Dance Dialogues Africa with the support of Bundeskulturstiftung and Goethe-Institut Johannesburg.