Cheered Lies (Mentiras aplaudidas)

In Panaibra´s new creation named Cheered Lies (Mentiras aplaudidas), three performers and two musicians take us on a journey through today´s current and urgent topics, through culture wars, ideologies, fears, and insecurities. Cheered Lies takes a look at today’s world in which fake news are on the daily agenda, catapulting the manipulative game between truth and lies to a next stage. Which side of history are we on? What kind of people have we become? Where do we come from? The performers in Cheered Lies look at history through the filter of their own biographies, thus working on a critical historiography. They invite us to consider learned knowledge from different perspectives. Cheered Lies aims to critically question historical narratives and to discuss notions of nationality, cultural affiliation, and identity.

Duration: aprox. 65 min.

In portuguese with german and english subtitles.

A production by Panaibra Gabriel Canda/CulturArte. In coproduction with euro- scene Leipzig, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf and Mercat de les Flors Barcelona. With the support of CRL-Central Elétrica/InResidence Porto (residency), Africa Moment Barcelona and Pumpenhaus Münster.