Their conversation will focus on journeying towards vulnerability in the face of unprecedented changes as a result of Covid, Climate Change, the Black Lives Matter uprisings and other world events. The personal is indeed political and brooks and Hartshorn hope to explore the more tender side of dealing with a crisis driven world. mayfield brooks and Bush Hartshorn will be speaking from their kitchens in Brooklyn NY and Edinburgh Scotland respectively. While chatting, they will prepare and cook Roasted Butternut Squash and invite you to join them at the kitchen table! Bush Hartshorn (UK) graduated from Dartington College of Arts in 1982 with a degree in Theatre Language. From that time onwards Bush has pursued a career as a community artist, dramaturge, performer, theatre programmer and artistic director in UK, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland and Denmark where he was the Artistic Director of Dansehallerne Copenhagen. In 2009, he qualified as a coach in Relational Dynamics which has informed his work in mentoring dance artists. Since January 2015, Bush has been mentoring/coaching artists in Australia, Cyprus, UK, Spain, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Hungary and Poland. Currently he is Head of Artist Development at Dancebase, Edinburgh, Scotland. This has all been underpinned by a lifelong commitment to Liverpool Football Club. mayfield brooks (USA) improvises while black and is based in Brooklyn, New York, on Lenapehoking, the homeland of the Lenape people. brooks is a movement-based performance artist, vocalist, urban farmer, writer, and wanderer. They are, on the faculty at Movement Research NYC, Editor-in-Chief of Movement Research Performance Journal, and the 2021 recipient of the biennial Merce Cunningham Award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts. brooks teaches and performs practices that arise from their life/art/movement work, Improvising While Black.