Doves and Bloods (New creation 2024)

Children believe they are immortal. Adults know they will die. The same bloodstream gives them life.

In Elina Pirinen’s multidisciplinary stagework, eight children and eight adults come together in a ritual fueled by music and dance, the peculiarities of psychoanalysis, and the Appassionata of wild horses. The children and the adults transform the stage into a circle of phantasms filled with wondrous alter egos, C and F major, ocean and time, iron and coal, la dolce vita…

Doves and Bloods is a cross generational metamorphosis that freely associates between the mysterious, the mundane, the weird, the corporeal, the visual, the musical. Children and adults embrace one another in the love of creative madness and perform intense and wonderfully strange rituals for themselves and for us.

Wouldn’t life be more delightful if we could live along the whole spectrum of our age?

Doves and Bloods is formed in process and in close collaboration with composer and sound designer Ville Kabrell, dramaturge and costume designer Heidi Väätänen, as well as space and light designer Mateus Manninen. On stage as co-creators is a unique ensemble that consists of children from the brass orchestra of Käpylä Music Institute, freelance artists Simone Benini, Karolina Ginman, Leena Nordberg, and Tom Rejström, as well as the Viirus’ ensemble Maria Ahlroth, Iida Kuningas, Oskar Pöysti, and Jessica Raita.

Doves and Bloods is a coproduction with Libidian Wonders and Theater Viirus.

The performance is supported by Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet, Svenska kulturfonden, The City of Helsinki, Stiftelsen Tre Smeder, Konstsamfundet, Kvarteret Victoria, Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Uudet klassikot