
Album deals with memory in relationship with the photographic image and self representation, tracking down memories of the time when the analogue world entered the digital age. From a nascent MTV and videoclip choreographies to today’s self-made YouTube generation compulsively hunting for the perfect self-portrait. How do we portray ourselves in front of a camera? What surroundings do we choose; what references do we make, or not? What do the portrayal, the pose tell us? Who is watching whom? Album creates different spaces as (self-) representation places and invites the audience to a parcours through parallel staged performances. The performers are accompanied by the musicians of the sound collective Raster Noton.

We are contained in nothing and photography assembles fragments around a nothing. When Grandmother stood in front of the lens she was present for one second in the spatial continuum that presented itself to the lens. But it was this aspect and not the grandmother that was eternalised.

Siegfried Kracauer “On Photography”

Duration: 4 hours

A production by CONSTANZA MACRAS | DorkyPark and HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden. Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation through the Doppelpass program.